Chlorine Dioxide ClO2, discovered in 1814 was not successful at all in industrial applications and (drinking & wastage) water treatment despite superior disinfection capabilities. The main reasons of the lack of success were the physicochemical properties of the product.
Chlorine Dioxide had to be produced on the spot, was an unstable and explosive gas and also generated many by products (chlorite, free chlroine etc). As the equipment to generate was expensive to purchase and maintain, it was limited only to few industrial applications.
Diamonoxide is a brand new concept in which, Chlorine Dioxide of 0.35% (3500ppm) is generated in water by the reaction of two stable liquid components. The Chlorine Dioxide produced is practically 100% pure (99.9%).
There are no By-products such as free chlorine and chlorite. Diamond Oxide is not at all corrosive (less than water). Any risk of explosion disappears by the use of inhibitor components .The kinetic halftime at 20° C is between 30 and 45 days, when stored in a dark and dry place. Diamond Oxide has 2.5 times more disinfection capacity than Chlorine. Due to all these advantages Diamond Oxide is now a very useful disinfection product for many (small & big) industrial activities, including the food and beverage industry
Diamond oxide is better than many other products such as Organic biocides (Benzyl ammonium chlorides, bromo-/ nitro propane alcohols or –amides, formalin (formaldehyde), Ozone and Ultra violet light due to its large field of application including food industry and water treatment and because of its constant disinfection capacity.